[5/7/2020] Meina’s Distorted Desire


The long awaited Amigo post after the LAN Amigo has finally come.
Not all the changes they mentioned during the LAN Amigo are in this post. Actually some were slightly changed as well.

Here’s a Summary of the changes the post will discuss about:


  • Meina, Glenn, Jola has a chance of respawning as a stronger version of itself.
  • Skills changed for Archery, Sorcery, Malediction, Battlerage, and Swiftblade.
  • Percentage stats – like Evasion – that is gained by player’s base stats have been slightly changed.
  • Language Proficiency has been increased to 20k. (No longer will have symbols.)
  • 3rd season of Mistsong Banquet is out.

Stronger Meina, Glenn, and Jola

These three bosses are familiar names for the players. They used to be formidable bosses against the players, but now the players have become too strong and these bosses don’t really challenge the players anymore. Now these bosses have a chance of respawning upon death as a stronger version of itself and drops better loot so behold!

Meina and Glenn

The new Meina and Glenn

Unfortunately they don’t really mention the new patterns it might have so it is up to the KR players to figure out what they do.


The new Jola

Like Meina and Glenn, there only talked about the lore of these new bosses. So there’s not much to mention about. If you want to know the lore, let me know and I’ll translate them as well.

Skill Balance Changes:


The changes are roughly what they mentioned how Archery would shape into during the LAN Amigo.

The intention the Archery changes are the following:

  • Focusing on changing the fighting style by making it more movement oriented with some CC skills.
  • Improving ways to counter situations when the opponents are untargettable and improved methods of chasing the opponent.
  • Adding more skill combos and expanding Archery to become usable by itself.
Concussive Arrow (Includes Ancestral Skills)Combo: 17% increased damage against snared targets.
Double Recurve(All Ancestrals) While in effect, Concussive Arrow becomes instantly castable.
(Life) 3% Crit Rate increase for 3 seconds.
Snipe(All Ancestrals) Combo: When hit, stuns flying targets for 5 seconds.
(All Ancestrals) Combo: 21% increased damage against snared targets.
(Lightning) Changed so that it can be used during casting. (Like how flame concussive arrow works.)
Missile Rain(Basic) Changed to a 5 charge skill that can be used on targeted location.
(Mist) Can be used without targeting an enemy.
DeadeyeName changed to Hit & Run (Liberal Translation).
While moving, player receives the def pen buff. When stationary for 1 second, the buff is removed.
No longer gains range increase buff
Steady ShootingCannot shoot targets closer than 4m.
No longer walks while skill is on. (Players still have 0% parry, block, and evasion.)
They really want archers to use Hunter’s Guile and Snare lol I don’t think its usable though.
You don’t really need this, cuz I translated it above.

Possible new combo: Hit & Run, Steady Shooting, Stealth (10 stack), 30m Snare, Stalker’s Mark, Double Recurve, Concussive Arrow, 3x Blazing Arrow, Charged Bolt.

Sorcery and Malediction

Malediction was always in the discussion of skill balance, because it had great damage and also was able to adapt on many sticky situations. As the developers are aiming to separate Sorcery and Malediction, they can’t just simply nerf Malediction as well. This patch won’t solve all the problems, but XL is trying to form an environment where both skill-sets can be used separately by removing the synergy between the two skill-sets.

Soulbound EdgeRemoved Combo effect that gains increased damage with Malicious Binding.
Prioritizes targets within 20m that are hit by Crashing Waves.
Ring ThrowReduced skill range to 5m (from 10m).
Cannot be used on targets that are behind you.
Flamebolt (Flame)Casting time changed to 1s (from 1.5s).
Reduced damage based on the casting time change. (Roughly 33% reduced per hit.)
Arc Lightning46% increased damage against targets that are affected by Burning, Freezing, and Electrical Shock.
Removed existing 70% Crit Skill damage increase.
Mana FountainRemoved Attack Speed increase effect.
Decreases Cast Time 25% (from 15%).
When equipped with 2H weapon, reduces Global Cool Down (GCD) for Sorcery skills by 10%.
So many changes!
Again, you don’t need this, but more images look great so there’s that.

Battlerage and Swiftblade

Luckily the synergy between Battlerage and Swiftblade isn’t as great as Sorcery and Malediction due to Swiftblade utilizing the Left hand weapon. At this moment, it it not strong enough as a DPS skill-set itself, so users currently incorporate it with Battlerage. In the future, the Dual Wield Swiftblade users will be able to rely less on Battlerage.

Battlerage Trip effectsWhen equipped 2H weapon, trip increased to 3.5s (from 3s).
When equipped 1H weapon or Dual Wield, trip reduced to 2.5s (from 3s).
Blink (Includes Ancestral Skills)Can use the skill during GCD while in effect of Fleeting Footsteps.
(Fleeting Footsteps buff doesn’t remove while using Blink during Combo effect)
Battlerage = 2 Hand, Swiftblade = Dual Wield.
Again, you don’t really need to see this.

Miscellaneous Skill-sets

Skill Changes
Backdrop: WaveRemoved Concussive Arrow instant cast.
EnervateWhile on effect, target cannot receive buffs from songs.
Critical Discord (Includes Ancestral Skills)While under effect of Discord, target cannot use Shield related skills.
Pain HarvestImmune to Bleeding while caster is under effect.
MettleBear’s Vigor gains 5% of received damage as Mettle (from 10%).
Boastful Roar deals damage equal to 100% of your stacked Mettle (from 60%).
Mocking Howl increased threat level by 500% of your stacked Mettle (from 100%).
Shield Slam: GaleCool Down reduced to 2s (from 4s).
Removed effect that cancels target’s skill cast.

Percentage Stats

Like mentioned in the LAN Amigo, the devs can no longer increase percentage stats that are gained by base stats as they are reaching its limits. As a result, they are changing the linear increase of these percentage stats into more of a logarithmic one so that as the base stats increases, the efficiency of the percentage stats will slowly decrease. Get nerfed mage suckers.

One thing to note that having 1000 Strength and 1000 Agility gives the same amount of Focus compared to having 2000 Strength. Same applies to Cast Time as well.

XL decided not to completely remove Parry from Strength and Evasion from Agility, because it would affect class synergies. On the other hand, Evasion was completely removed in Intelligence. To compensate this, Intelligence and Spirit gained more Cast Time than XL previously planned for.

As for compensating for the reduction of Crit Rate across every stats, XL increased the Max Critical Damage cap from 300% to 350%. This affects Archers the most, because the change lets Archers use Steady Shooting without wasting the Crit Damage increase effect from it. Also affects Dual Wield Swiftblade players as well.

The table does not show stat changes for Block Rate as well as some other percentage stats, but they have been applied the same treatment.

When Stamina < 2000, Block Rate after the patch will be higher than before.
When Stamina > 2000, Block Rate after the patch will be lower than before.

Armor Type Changes

Cloth type is shit and everyone knows that. XL decided to buff Cloth as a result and also decided to slightly buff Plate as well. Plate really didn’t deserve a buff in my opinion.

7 Set Cloth Effect

  • Removed Shackle Reduction.
  • Silence duration reduced to 30% (from 20%).

7 Set Plate Effect

  • Shackle duration reduced to 30% (from 20%).

Attack Speed Changes

Until this patch, while casting Magic skills and Healing skills with scepters, staves, clubs, and greatclubs Global Cool Downs (GCD) were not applying the weapon’s attack speed. This resulted on having a constant GCD regardless of the type of weapon you are equipped with. In this patch, XL now applies attack speeds from scepters and staves to reduce GCD. (Clubs are not implemented yet and will come in the June patch.)

Here are some attack speed changes for each weapon type:

  • Scepter: 1.2s -> 1.0s (No changes in atk speed or skill dmg, because old atk speed wasn’t applied before.)
  • Staff: 1.3s (Attack speed 30% reduced. Skill damage 30% increased.)
  • Shield: 2s -> 1s (Shield skills now use shield’s attack speed instead of right hand weapon’s attack speed)

To clarify,
these changes don’t affect Cast Times of skills. The decrease of attack speed by using a staff basically increases the GCD when using Magic skills.

The equation for skill animation speed & skill damage are the following:

  • Skill Animation Speed = Base Skill Animation Speed / Weapon Attack Speed
  • Skill Damage = Base Skill Damage * Weapon Attack Speed

In regards of Shield skills, in previous builds, Shield Skills skills used the Right hand Weapon’s attack speed when calculating attack speed. As a result, users could have different GCDs when using shield skills even with the same shield.

Side Note for some abandoned changes

These are some explanation about the changes discussed during the LAN Amigo that was ultimately abandoned/postponed.

Shield Block during GCD

During the LAN Amigo, XL mentioned that they were thinking about removing shield blocks while the player is in GCD. This was aimed to nerf DPS classes that equipped a shield. This change was abandoned, because it was also going to hurt tanks and healers which XL did not intent. As a result, XL will be looking for better implementations.

Sonic Wave breaking Imprison

A lot of the players showed concerns about Sonic Wave breaking Imprison. XL thought of this change, because there were not enough skills to counter Defense and XL didn’t want the tempo of the fights to slow down by more and more players picking Defense. However Imprison is a key skill used by Tank players while Sonic Wave is used by many DPS players. This change was thought to just immobilize Defense players, because there are much more players equipped with Sonic Wave than Tanks equipped with Imprison.

Mistsong Banquet Season 3

Like Season 1, Season 2 was a big hit and XL decided to make season 3 of the Mistsong Banquet.

Change Summary:

  • After round 16, a Treasure Mole appears which needs to be killed in a limited time.
  • Round 21 is added that spawns mobs (max # of mobs: 50) from round 20 with short intervals.
  • Laser Cannons damage and range are increased and Thunder Cannon’s attack speed is slightly reduced.

Round 16 is a break round where you won’t lose even if you weren’t able to kill all the Treasure Moles. But these moles give you a lot of Crystals and is key for succeeding round 21. Round 21 will spawn a ton of Guardians, so it is important to kill as many as you can while maintaining your middle tower’s HP up to round 20.

New Mistsong Banquet Season 3

Thunder Cannon and Flame Cannon was superior to the Laser Cannon so the Laser Cannon got buffed while the Thunder Cannon’s efficiency got reduced by roughly 3%.

Language Proficiency Expansion

XL fucked up with the language proficiency way back then and is finally fixing them. Even with 10k max proficiency players would still have symbols in their chat. Players’ configured language was also getting reset upon exiting instances. The necessary mats are pretty cheap, so don’t worry about it 🙂

Necessary Materials:

  • 50 x Paper
  • 5 x Memory Ink
  • 5 x Leather
  • 8 x Dawn Lake Light Essence
Advanced Language Proficiency Book. Thanks for Kito for letting me know the mats.


  • Expanded the max language proficiency to 20k which entirely removes symbols from your chat.
  • Configured Language is never reset until user changes it.
  • Current speaking language can be checked from the a UI.
Location of where you can increase your language proficiency

Don’t worry. Your existing language tutors can also teach you up to 20k proficiency so you don’t have to go to those locations.

The Dwarf tutor that teaches the Nuia language.

Weapon & Armor Type Change Scrolls

The armor type change scrolls available in Unchained can only be used for Hiram gears below T5. This new scroll allows players with T5 Hiram or T3 Library to change their armor type.

XL also released Weapon Type Change Scrolls as well which lets player change Hiram and Library weapon types. These scrolls are RNG and are sold in the Credit Shop. Wait what? lol

Left scroll is for T5 Hiram and T3 Lib armor. Middle scroll is for T5 Hiram and Lib weapon. Right scroll is for T3, T4 Hiram and T1, T2 Lib weapon.

Even with these Weapon Type Change scrolls, you cannot change a 1 Hand weapon into a Right hand Weapon, change 2 Hand weapon into a 1 Hand weapon, etc. Basically Bows can’t change itself to anything else until XL releases the new upcoming Rifle.

UI for Weapon Type Changing Scroll.

Lunagem Type Changing

Lunagems were a pain to change, because you would have to unsocket them, transmute them, and then socket them again. XL is adding a Lunagem Tranmuting stone in the Credit Shop that uses 200 labor to change a single Lunagem. lol free money for XL YAY

Example only shows craftable Lunagems, but you can also change Honor Lunagems as well.

Luckily for the Koreans, XL will be giving a certain amount of these gems for free, because of the Skill Balance changes like how they did with the Armor Type Scrolls with the Armor Type balance changes back then.

Don’t worry and trust Gamigo. You know deep down in your heart that they won’t gives those scrolls to us for free.


XL is gracious enough to give their KR players free Lunagem transmuting stones and free Stat Migration items, because of the changes from this patch. I doubt Gamigo would ever give those to us, but I guess we never really know.

I suspect that, in the future, XL will nerf the Sky Emperor Glider. A bunch of whiners are requesting XL to nerf it in the KR Archeage Forum. I hope they don’t…

Ipnysh Sanctuary Room 2 Guide

Got some Ipnysh Sacntuary (Golden Shrine) boss videos that you guys might be interested in. The 2nd boss and the 4th boss are the hard ones with the 2nd boss being the hardest.

Thanks to Kimnuts for making the videos that I referenced to write up the guide!

2nd Boss

2 Tank, 2 Healer, 1 DPS by Kimnuts
2 Tank, 1 Healer, 2 DPS by Lulu

Ah I guess you finally beat the first bosses. Now its Luxior and Umbrael that you need to kill.

Party Composition

In Kimnut’s video, the party has 2 healers, 3 archers. 2 of the archers have shields and specced Defense. Lulu’s video runs 2 tanks, 1 healer, and 2 DPS. Having 1 dedicated DPS with 2 healer adds more stability to the attempt, but slows down the run. Having 2 dedicated DPS with 1 healer speeds up the process, but adds more burden to your healer and it get harder to recover (harder to revive dead people).

I personally prefer a 2 tank (that also can dps), 2 healer, 1 dps party composition, but you can also beat this pretty easily with a 2 tank, 1 healer, 2 dps party. It just requires a different way to approach the boss. As long as your party members aren’t monkeys, the 1 healer comp will work better, because you’ll have more damage for the last boss. (More DPS helps.)

Buffs and Debuffs

Buffs and Debuffs

The first debuff is the timer till it hits Enrage mode. When the boss is in enrage, you basically can’t beat it, because it gains 300% increased damage and 80% received damage. Just reset at the point.

The first buff is the type of the boss. The first buff shows your the type the boss is. Light Warden Luxior is light type and Shadow Warden Umbrael is dark type. If you get hit by the boss with the same type as yourself, you will only receive 1/3 of the actual damage. You also need the same type to react on a specific boss pattern. So it’s important to have two players tanking each of the bosses.

The 2nd buff is the amount of shield the boss has. Both bosses start with 10k shield. If you hit the boss when the shield is present, you “get” the same type the boss has. The tanks must each get the light and dark type. This means one of your tank needs to tank the light type and the other tank needs to tank the dark type. What types should the DPS get? It really depends on your party.

Either 1 tank be alone with 1 type and the rest can all be on the other type. Another option is to have 1 tank and 1 healer pair up to have the same type and the DPS can be on either type. There’s advantages and disadvantages on both situations.

Example how the types can be assigned.

First of all, there is a pattern that makes the boss teleport randomly to anyone with the same type. If the tank is the only one with, for example, a light type, the Luxior will always teleport to the tank, and shoot auras to the tank. This makes the tank’s life easier, because there are going to be less unexpected situations happening, and Luxior will have less mettle stacks, which makes it easier for an inexperienced tank. Another option available is to have 1 tank and 1 healer pair up and the DPS get any type. This helps the tanks get consistent heals, because the healer will always be close to the tanks, and will help 2 inexperienced healer keep their tanks up. It really depends on your party.

I personally like having 1 tank stay alone and have the rest DPS one boss at a time.

The boss skills are the following:

Luxior’s Skill Patterns

Horizontal Strike

Hits targets infront of the boss. Basically the front 180′ angle.

When Luxior uses this skill, the boss moves forward slightly. You need to pay attention so that the boss’s skill doesn’t hit your back, since the skill wouldn’t get blocked and will kill the tank.

Cross Quake

Creates a Cross shape mat that deals massive damage.

The Cross Attack’s cross mat is very large and can reach from one end to almost the other end so both tanks should be aware of this. Once the scale pattern happens, Cross Quake starts creating a star shaped mat instead of a cross one, so players must be careful where they stand.

It’s easier to position your camera like this to look at the floor from the top to easily see the shape.

The best way to dodge this skill is to move back a bit and look at the mat from the top (example shown above) and move out of the mat.

Summon Light

Notice that the boss channels twice.

Once the shield of the boss is gone, the boss enters the 2nd phase and will start be using this skill.

After the first skill channel, it will teleport to the main aggro. Every player with the same type needs to get close to the boss before this first channel ends or they will get hit by a purple Damage over Time attack that lasts for 10 seconds when the 2nd skill channel ends. This DoT damage hurts and prevents people from rezzing the dead, so everyone needs to pay attention to this.

If you fail and get the DoT damage, your healer should use mana barrier to keep the players with the DoT tick safe.

TL; DR: Players with the same type of the boss MUST get close to the boss or said players will gain 200% reduced healing. and DoT damage.

Vertical Strike

Also be careful so that the skill doesn’t hit your back.

Like Horizontal Strike, you want to back up slightly.

Luxior’s Aura

Shows you the skill pattern and how to prevent the aura from spawning.

When Luxior’s Aura happens, It randomly chooses someone who has the same type as the boss and shoots a light ball. When the light ball hits the target, it spawns a circle aura on the floor that deals damage to people in it. You can prevent the aura from spawning by getting hit by it while you are on the window shown above. Umbrael’s Aura is identical to this skill pattern. You can see what happens if the aura actually spawns in the Umbrael’s Aura section.

Chasing Lights & Cleanse Umbrael’s Aura

Randomly teleports to target and cleanses area.

After the first channel ends, Luxior randomly teleports to a player with the same type and later on cleanses Umbrael’s dark Auras that are towards the temporarily aggroed player. If you need to remove Umbrael’s Auras, the main aggro can move in front of an Aura so that Luxior can remove the aura. An example is shown above. Notice that the Shadow Aura disappears after the boss uses the skill.

Umbrael’s Skill Pattern

Umbrael seems easier to tank than Luxior, because Umbrael doesn’t move around while attacking unlike Luxior.

Impaling Strike

Hey, my group actually got to the 2nd boss day 1.

This is basically Umbrael’s version of Horizontal Strike. This skill can be blocked and you always want to get hit by the skill (still should block it), because this is the weakest skill. Once Umbrael uses this skill, it will consume its Mettle stack to deal increased damage (like how Luxior does with Horizontal Strike.)

Shadow Orb

Another “basic” attack of Umbrael

Consider this Umbrael’s version of vertical strike. You also want to get hit by this instead of dodging them, because it’s also one of the more weaker skills.

Lightning Strike

Spawns Lighting Strikes on the ground players with the same type.

The Lighting Strike attack will hit players close to the boss or the players that doesn’t have the Light type. It’s easy to dodge, so dodge it! Just make sure dodging takes higher priority than finishing your channeling of a skill.

Summon Shadows

Umbrael’s version of Summon Light.

After the first channel, it randomly teleports to one of the players with the same type. After the 2nd channel, it gives a purple Damage over Time attack that lasts for 10 seconds to everyone except the Tanks like Summon Light. Your DPS and healer should be close to each other and the healer should use Mana Barrier to prevent from dying from this. If you have the Dark type and don’t get close to Umbrael like how I did in the example above, you’ll get 200% reduced healing, so the only way to keep yourself safe from it would be using Mana Barrier.

Umbrael’s Aura

During this pattern, the boss can use another skill, so be careful!
After Aura patterns, the boss can use another skill. This example uses Shadow Beam.

After channel finishes, the boss shoots a big purple orb that randomly chases one of the players with the same type. When it hits the player, it spawns Umbrael’s Aura on the ground that you want to stay out of. I didn’t do it in the 1st example, but if you jump on top of the window pane on the side and get hit by the orb, the Aura will not get spawned on the ground. (Check 2nd example.)

Chasing Shadows & Cleansing Luxior’s Aura

If there’s any Luxior’s Aura, this will remove them.

These 2 skills are a pair. After teleporting to a random player with dark type, Umbrael starts erasing Luxior’s Auras that are on the ground close by the Umbrael. It’s helpful to use this to remove any Luxior’s Aura that are nearby.

Shadow Beam

Try move around the beam so that you don’t get hit by it.

This pattern is a bit tricky. As soon as the boss channels Shadow Beam, it spawns a rotating beam around its staff that players need to avoid. This beam is pretty long so if the two bosses are close, the other tank also had to be careful. Best way to counter this is to call out Shadow Beam as soon as you see the cast. and get ready to dodge it. If you can’t dodge it, run towards the beam and jump to avoid it. The last resort is to use invincibility.

If you get hit by it, you get a skull debuff and you get slowed for 20 seconds and get DoT ticks. This hurts, so do your best to not get hit by the beam.

Sometimes the boss uses the pattern twice in a row, so be careful.

Scale Pattern

This happens to both bosses at the same time.

After phase 1 where the boss loses it’s shield, it can do the so-called “Scale Pattern.” One of the bosses randomly teleports to the center of the room and on scales located on the left and right side of the room light up. The location of the dark and light type are random, which means the dark type can either all spawn on the left side or all spawn on the right side of the room. In the example above, I am tanking the light boss and the light scales were on the other side of the map, so I had to run all the way there.

As soon as the scale pattern happens, you want to locate your scale and activate it. If you fail to do so, you get hit by a DoT skill by the bosses. Tanks should have top priority on getting the closest scale, then it should be the healers that gets the closer scales (Since its easy to revive a dead DPS).

Once the scale pattern ends, your type swaps. Light becomes dark and dark becomes light. (People without type stay type-less will always get hit by the DoT skill.) This means that the tanks are going to swap and tank the opposite boss after the scale pattern. You’ll see me tanking the Light boss and swap to tanking the dark boss in the example above.

Tips about Boss Type and DPS

Until the the tank gains enough aggro, the extra DPS shouldn’t be hitting the bosses. We can’t see it in the video, but you can notice that the extra DPS does get an attack type by hitting a boss, before the boss loses its shield.

Regardless of the party composition, seems like it’s best to have all the party get the same type except the ones tanking. For example, 4 players will get light type and 1 tank will get the dark type.

You can notice the player “비콸” is waiting until the tanks are gaining enough aggro.

Key Points to beat the bosses:

DPS and do the patterns until both bosses has 5% HP (265,000 HP) left. To be safe, slow DPS when you get close and avoid AOE skills. When a boss hits 5% HP, it will go into sleep mode that heals the other boss up to 30% hp. You want both bosses entering sleep mode and burn both of them at the same time. Check the example below on how this works.

Basically all of the bosses’ attacks hurt, but the tanks need to get hit by the skills called “Horizontal Strike” and “Impaling Strike”. They are kind of like the bosses’ basic attacks. The reason behind this is whenever the tank dodges those skills, the boss gains a buff stack called ” How dare you dodge this? (어쭈 피해?)” that increases the boss’s received damage and damage by 30%.

Also the bosses gain Mettle stacks whenever it is hit and “Horizontal Strike” and “Impaling Strike” both deals consumes the Mettle stacks to deal extra damage. When the attack is blocked, 100k Mettle stacks seem to deal 10k more damage.

If your party members have big dick damage, but your tanks aren’t that tanky, your party needs to slow down DPS. Bosses with too high Mettle stacks can kill tanks that aren’t fully equipped to tank.

Luckily attacks from the bosses can be blocked, parried, and evaded, so the 2 tanks need to spec Defense with a shield and use Gale Shield Slam whenever available to dodge the bosses’ attacks. With block, the hits are manageable.

Because the boss starts with 10k shield at the start, (The video shows 50k due to it being done before the nerf.) the tanks can’t keep aggro from the healer. It’s important for the tank to use hard aggro skills like “Boastful Roar” and “Mocking Howl” to keep it from aggroing to the healer. It’s also important to make the boss face towards the wall so that it won’t accidentally hit other players.

Pro tip: You can notice that the main tank archer swapped to normal Endless Arrow. This is probably to prevent the GCD so that he can use his defense skills on time.

The End Game (Killing the Bosses)

This was our first kill lol

DPS both bosses down to 10% HP. Then, slowly chip down both bosses down to 5% HP. Do not use your nuke skill combo right now, because you will need to use that on the 2nd boss. Once one of the bosses gets stunned by reaching 5% HP, everyone needs to immediately go to the other boss and DPS the boss down before it heals the stunned boss. This example was when we first killed the bosses, so you’ll notice us DPSing the first boss down to 3% HP, but this is not needed.

Cost of Erenor Infusions (Territory Coins)

So on April 2nd 2020, XL released the Hidden Story patch that briefly mentioned about NPCs being able to sell Erenor Infusions in exchange of Territory Coins.

Yes, I know you can craft Erenor Infusions using Territory Coins and other mats, but this new addition only required Territory Coins. People thought this might be a potential way to get cheaper Erenor experience compared to the traditional Ayanad Staff feeding method or crafting your own Erenor Infusion. We finally got some information about how many Territory Coins would cost you to get those Erenor Infusions and they aren’t looking great.

The Table

Grade# of required Territory Coins
Characters can only exchange one Erenor Infusion per day from all the Territories you own. There’s also a limit of how many infusions that are available by that faction.

Some rough NA Math

So I bought a ton of Lord’s Coins for 35 gold per piece hoping it to be worth the investment. Heck even if it wasn’t really worth, I had enough time to sell them or even use a portion myself.

Legendary Infusions

Amount of gold you spend getting Legendary Erenor exp buying Infusions = 750 * 35 (How much I spent per coin) * 4 (staff gives about 8184 exp, but infusions gives u 2k) = 105,000 Gold.

It usually costs around 60,000 ~ 70,000 Gold for a 2H Ayanad Leggy Staff. (8184 exp)

So for buying Infusions to be equivalent in efficiency compared to staves, Lord’s Coins have to be around 20G ~ 23G which is definitely not the case in NA Legacy.

Divine Infusions

Amount of gold you spend getting Divine Erenor exp buying Infusions = 250 * 35 (How much I spent per coin) * 3.7 (staff gives about 7343 exp, but infusions gives u 2k) = 32,375 Gold.

It usually costs around 10,000 ~ 12,000 Gold for a 2H Ayanad Divine Staff. (7343 exp)

So for buying Infusions to be equivalent in efficiency compared to staves, Lord’s Coins have to be around 10G ~ 13G which is also not the case in NA Legacy.


So yeah, nothing else really left on my end. The hype that Erenor would become easier to make was just a hype and actually never was true. Once I get more information about other grade, I’ll update the table.